Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Home Truths 1

OK let's get some of these out of the way. Or at least into mind. First in mind, then in will, then in reality...

So: when we talk to each other we automatically look for visual clues. It's part of our make up.

It's also incredibly dangerous when done by a driver. And most do it. I used to, we all tend to. You have to work at it to be able to drive without turning to look at your passenger.

Heaven only knows how many bangs, dings, dents and worse occur everyday because of this one habit. I even watch young mothers who would go out of their way to protect their children looking over their shoulders and conversing with their youngsters in the back seat whilst driving.

It's impossible to turn like that without meandering. And what about what's going on infront meanwhile? Frightening really isn't it? Driving is not natural.

It's all too recent in our evolution. We're still neolithic in construction and function.

But, the good news is because of our incredible brains, the grey stuff that is, not the old brain stem, we can learn simply and easily to defeat these unconscious actions and stay safer as a matter of course.

Anyways, in either case you are into what psychologist call inattentional blindness.

Not unintentional, although it is in reality, it's like so much without improved awareness from continued training. It's unconscious.

We don't even know we're doing it! Check yourself out.

Then work at reducing the incidence to nil eventually. If you're concerned what your passengers might think, simply say that you prefer to keep your eyes on the road ahead and mirrors.

And you're not being anti-social, much the opposite. You value them, and yourself, too much to do otherwise. Tell them. It always gets their understanding and appreciation.

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